Request / Proposal

GMAS Unavailable this Weekend for Release 1_54, available on July 13, 2020

GMAS has a scheduled release this weekend. The application will be unavailable starting at 7pm on Friday, July 10th. The new release will be available at the start of business on Monday, July 13th. This release includes a new international collaboration and activities form, approval, and request. For full release notes please visit GMAS Release 1_54 . Read more about GMAS Unavailable this Weekend for Release 1_54, available on July 13, 2020

GMAS Unavailable this Weekend for Release 1_53, available on April 27, 2020

GMAS has a scheduled release this weekend. The application will be unavailable starting at 7pm on Friday, April 24th. The new release will be available at the start of business on Monday, April 27th. This release includes a redesign of the cost sharing form and cost sharing approval, a new cost sharing request, new electronic signature for Initials and Renewal, and more. For full release notes please visit GMAS Release 1_53. Read more about GMAS Unavailable this Weekend for Release 1_53, available on April 27, 2020

New Screen for Entering/Editing Interfaculty Involvement (IFI) in GMAS for December Release

In the GMAS release scheduled for December 14th, an enhanced “Edit interfaculty involvement” screen will be available from all requests. The enhanced screen includes the same functionality as the old screen, but also includes some exciting enhancements.

1. More than one interfaculty department and PI can be added from one screen 


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Guest Blogger Series - Michael Toon from OSP: Discipline Code in GMAS

I am so happy to be participating in the GMAS blog’s first guest speaker series. For my first blog, I wanted to answer a question that gets asked a lot. Why is “Discipline” mandatory in GMAS, and how specific do I need to be (can I choose “Other”)?

The quick answer is, the discipline is mandatory because it is a CRITICAL piece of data that is used in reporting. This data is mainly used for the Higher Education Research and Development Survey (HERD) run by NSF, which is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. This is an annual...

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Merging Person Profiles in GMAS

Merging person profiles is an important step in ensuring that the appropriate individuals are accurately associated to sponsored projects. Merging profiles becomes necessary when sponsored proposals are entered into GMAS prior to an individual being in Harvard HR systems. Person profiles are often created by users as a temporary placeholder for that individual until they start working and are issued a HUID.

Who can merge a person profile
Users identified as Super Users can merge person profiles. These are usually...

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The right and wrong way to add a “TBD” team member to a research team in GMAS

When adding team members to a research team, sometimes it is appropriate to add a placeholder for a position where the individual who will fill the role has yet to be determined (TBD).  There is a right and wrong way to capture a TBD team member on the research team. The impacts to adding a TBD team member the wrong way can lead to incorrect data and security issues.

The right way
After choosing <Add team member> when viewing the research team, the letters “TBD” default into the full name field. Leaving this text alone (not performing  the Lookup function) and...

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Do you Know the Difference Between Pre-Award Expenditures and At-Risk Accounts?

Pre-award expenditures and at-risk accounts both indicate expenses incurred before the start date of a given award.

At-Risk accounts, also known as Advance Accounts, allow PIs and departments to record and track expenditures and minimize the need for cost transfers. Since these expenses are incurred prior to the receipt or acceptance of an award and without notifying the sponsor, the department assumes full responsibility for the expenses in the event that a project is not funded or accepted.

Pre-Award expenditures, however, are allowable, allocable and...

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