GMAS Help Content

After an exciting release, we feel it’s a good time to remind people of all of the help content provided within and outside of GMAS.


Help within the GMAS application

As we convert screens in GMAS, the GMAS team works with individuals from different areas of the business to write help content that can be accessed directly from the screen. There are three different types of help content on the new screens:


Info appears in the top right of the converted screens when there is help content about the page.

Help Content Info


Related links

Related links will also appear in the top right of the converted screens when there are related links. The links are tailored to each screen to provide additional support that is applicable to where you are in the application (e.g., from the segment homepage you will see links to job aids related to the segment home, and from the accounts list page you will see links to the Sponsored Chart of Accounts business rules).

Help Content Related Links


Tool tips

Tool tips help to provide more context around the information on the screen. Tool tips can be anything from guidance on how to answer a question, or definitions. Tool tips are indicated with a grey circled question mark. Hovering over the question mark will display the tool tip.

Help Content Tool tips


Help outside of the GMAS application

The GMAS website is a great resource for help content.

User resources

User resources contains over 40 job aids and over 60 FAQs related to GMAS. These resources are categorized by type of job aid or by role. With every release, the job aids and FAQs get updated so that they remain relevant, and more are created. They are often linked from the related links section in GMAS. Job aids include instruction and guidance on a variety of topics that range from general instruction on how a screen is structured, to detailed steps to perform a desired action.

Help Content website




The blog is a great source for keeping up to date with GMAS. Blog posts range from release information, tips and tricks, and guest blogger series.  Blog posts are shared on the GMAS homepage after they are posted, but you can also sign up to receive the blog by email.

Help Content Blog



To submit ideas for additional help content, please email