September 25th Release Highlight - Other Enhancements to Expect in this Weekend's Release

This weekend's scheduled GMAS release includes many changes. Two that we have blogged about already are the segment research team changes and the new addition of the “Related segments” section of the external organizations homepage.

Here are some additional enhancements that we are excited about in this weekend’s release:

  • Retirement of the person level Human Subjects question and the PI appointment term question and their related Human Subjects Training and PI appointment term approvals
    • The project level Human Subjects question will still be asked
  • Retirement of the UDO approval
  • Individuals in HMS and SPH will now receive GMAS notification emails when their signature is listed as required on a GMAS cost share form
  • All GMAS email notifications will now include a list of all recipients of that notification
  • Fixed an issue related to GMAS timing out when multiple GMAS tabs are open
  • Added "Proposal" in front of the word title on the proposal entry screen for clarification purposes
  • Added a disabled state to the <Create subagreement> button in Initial and Competing Renewal Proposals to indicate that subagreements cannot be added to projects if the sponsor type has not been designated yet by the organization editor in OSP

Central Focused Enhancements

  • Changes to the Special Equipment flag in a segment revision to automatically flag as yes when the segment revision type is a Federal Contract
  • Changes when committing a revision where the Special Equipment flag is yes on a Federal Contract which automatically flags Government Titled Equipment in the Special Equipment module
  • Changed the rules for Fund type defaults in a segment revision
  • Added a question in the segment revision “Small Business Subcontracting Plan?”
  • Changed the Plan294 non-financial report to “ISR” and added a new non-financial report “SSR”
  • The foreign/overseas question has been added to segment revisions

You can find the full release notes here. As always, please reach out to with any questions.