I'm new to Harvard. Why can't I access GMAS?

In order to access GMAS, you must first be given security. Security can be given in a few different ways. 

  1. You are added to a project as a PI/Mentor, or as an interfaculty involvement PI or interfaculty involvement department administrator. This will allow you to log into GMAS and grant you access to any project where you play the PI or Mentor role. 
  2. You are added to a segment administrative team. This will allow you to log into GMAS and grant you access to any project where you have been added to an administrative team. The action you can perform on the project will be determined based on the role you were added to on the administrative team.
  3. You are added to a standing team. This will allow you to log into GMAS and grant you access to all projects that fit the scope of the standing team you belong to (this could be by ORG, or by ORG and PI).

For more information on how security works, and who can help you with security, visit the GMAS Security Deconstructed job aid.

If your profile is not yet showing in GMAS, and this is preventing you from being given GMAS security through any of the methods above, it is likely due to a timing issue. There are a few systems through which a person’s information needs to flow, before it can make its way into GMAS. When an employee first starts, their manager and local HR representative assist the individual to ensure they receive a HUID and are placed on payroll. Part of this process is being set up in the Identity Management system (IDM). Once a person is in the IDM system, their information is sent to PeopleSoft and GMAS. Data flows from IDM, to PeopleSoft, then to GMAS. This means that it will take at least two days from the time an individual is added to IDM to be added to GMAS. If the individual is added to IDM after noon, it can take up to three days for the individual to be added to GMAS. If a user is not yet in GMAS, but has a HUID and needs to sign the Participation Agreement, they do not need to wait the two to three days until their profile makes its way into GMAS. All users with HUID’s are able to sign the Participation Agreement through the following link:


For more information on how the IDM interface interacts with GMAS, or how any other interfaces interact with GMAS, see the GMAS interfaces documentation.