GMAS Request Status Guide

This page explains what the different request statuses in GMAS mean and what the options are for each status.

Request Status

What it Means

Notes about this status


Responsible Party



The Request Guided Steps have been started and Save and continue Later was selected


the GMAS login session  ended before the Request Guided Steps were completed.









Incomplete requests do not have a Request homepage.

Incomplete requests can be deleted.

To complete the Request Guided Steps:

From the GMAS homepage select Requests in Progress on the right hand side. Select the request from the list.  You will be taken back into the Request Guided Steps at the point where you left off.  Complete the Request Guided Steps.


Navigate to the Segment homepage and select Requests.  Select the request from the list of requests.  You will be taken back into the Request Guided Steps at the point where you left off. Complete the Request Guided Steps. 


To delete the request: 

Navigate to the Segment homepage and select Requests. Select the request from the list of requests.  You will be taken back into the Request Guided Steps at the point where you left off.

Select Cancel in the Request Guided Steps

Department or Lab Administrator entering the request.

Under Development

The Request Guided Steps have been completed, but the request may require further modification.

Select Finish and edit budget


Finish and go to Request to continue.


Most of the request information is available for editing or completion.

Under development requests can be deleted.

Be sure that the request’s budget has been completed before selecting Lock and Route for Signature

To complete a budget, from the Request homepage, select Budget.

Select Edit Proposed Budget, and complete the budget.

Review the request by navigating to the request homepage and view each section for accuracy. Select component bar links to edit information.

If the information captured in the request is accurate and complete, select Lock and route for signature on the Request homepage. Select appropriate signatures and route for approval.


Delete the incomplete request if it was created in error by selecting Delete this request on the Request homepage. 

Note:  deleting a request also deletes any documents uploaded to the Request’s document repository.

Department or Lab Administrator entering the request.

Under Internal Review

The internal review process has begun.

Lock and route signatures was selected on the Request homepage.


A signature section listing the required signatures now appears on the Request homepage.

Signatories receive a GMAS to-do and reminder to review and sign the request.  


Once in Under Internal Review status, department users can no longer make edits to the request unless the request is retracted.

Log signatures or sign where appropriate.


Retract the request by selecting Retract this request on the Request homepage.


Retracting a request pulls the request back to Under Development status.  Any signatures already received for the request will be deleted and no notifications are sent.

All parties whose signature is required for review.


All required signatures have been logged or signed.

Once Authorized department users can no longer make edits to the request.


Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative.


The request’s submission details (e.g. date submitted, method sent, etc.) have been recorded.


The proposal has been submitted to sponsor.  At this point, the project cannot be rolled back to previous status without a super-user.


Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)

Declined per HU

Harvard has elected not to accept the award.




Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)


The sponsor has elected not to fund the proposal.




Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)


The proposal has been withdrawn from consideration.



Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)


The request was closed before it was awarded.



Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)

Segment Revision in Progress

The request has been associated to a segment revision that has been initiated but not committed. Segment revisions are adjustments made to projects that result in an action memo.

Only central office roles can initiate a segment revision.


Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)


A request in Awarded status has had a notice logged and associated with it or has been approved by Harvard.

This status is achieved through committing a segment revision.  Only central office roles can commit a segment revision.


Once the request reaches this status, it cannot be changed.


Central Administrator (OSP/SPA pre-award representative)