How to Find Detailed Proposal Information

This page describes how to navigate to the Request homepage, where you can view detailed information about a proposal.


1.    Search for a grant from either the GMAS homepage or by clicking Advanced Navigate to the Segment homepage.
2.    From the left navigation, select "requests."
3.    On the resulting screen (Request List), you will see a list of all requests for this segment, as well as their type, status, date due, and      amount requested. Select the link to the request in which you are interested.

4.    This brings you to the Request Homepage, where you can view detailed information about that request, including:

  • Request attributes –type of request, current status
  • Request information –Tub, Org, PI, Title, Sponsor, A-21 code, etc.
  • Submission requirements – date due to sponsor and mailing instructions.
  • Budget –links to the budgets for each budget period.
  • Approval attributes –summary of what approvals are required for the request.
  • Approvals –status, due date and party responsible for each approval that is needed for the request.
  • Cost sharing – if the request includes cost sharing, the information will be listed here.
  • Signatures –names of all required signatories on the request, as well as the dates they signed the request
  • Accounts –accounts that have been created as a result of the request
  • Subagreements – if the request contains any subagreements, information about them can be found here
  • Research Staff – lists research staff that have been entered as associated with the request
  • IFI – lists if there is any Interfaculty Involvement on the request
  • Other School Info (FAS only) –if there are other schools involved in the request, they are listed here.
  • Sponsor notices – Once the sponsor has sent a notice associated with this request, it will be listed here.
  • Documents (i.e. proposal) – this is the document repository for the request. All proposal-related documents are uploaded here and can be viewed from the repository.