How to View All Sponsor Notices

How Do I View Sponsor Notices?

  1. Search for a grant from either the GMAS homepage or by clicking Advanced Project Search  . Navigate to the Segment homepage.
  2. On the Segment homepage, select the Sponsor Notices from the left hand navigation.
  3. The resulting Notices List screen displays a list of all sponsor notices. Here you can see the associated award number (if there is one), the amendment/modification number, the date received in your local Central office, the status and notice type. Click any of the date links in the Date Issued column to view more information about a particular notice.
  4. Once on the Notice homepage, you can view a little more information about the notice including the date received, which request/proposal it’s associated with, links to the request and action memo associated with the notice, and a scanned/uploaded copy of the notice itself.

The request title listed on this page is a link to the request associated with this notice. The word "Documents" on this page is a link to the actual sponsor notice document.