How to View Subagreement Information

How to View Subagreement Information

This job aid describes how to view subagreement information as well as fully-executed documents associated with a subagreement.


  1. Search for a grant from either the GMAS homepage or by clicking Advanced Project Search. Navigate to the Segment homepage.
  2. On the Segment homepage, scroll down and select the Subagreements link on the Subagreements component bar.
  3. On the resulting Subagreements List screen, you’ll see a list of all subagreements for this fund. Here you can see the subrecipient name, description, number, status, subrecipient PI, dates and dollars.
  4. Click on the Subrecipient link to go to that Subagreement’s homepage, where you can see further detailed information about that subagreement. Fully-executed documents are uploaded into the Subagreement Document repository.

The subagreement homepage with a highlight on the Documents section at the bottom of the page.