GMAS Release 1_54

July 8, 2020

GMAS release 1_54 will be available at the start of business on Monday July 13th 2020. 

International Collaboration and Activities Approval

This release includes a new International collaboration and activities form, approval, and request. This initiative was sponsored by the Office of the Provost for Research and OSP.

New international collaboration and activities form

  • New form to indicate international collaboration and activities. The form will have edit and display-only views.

Updates to initial and competing renewal proposals

  • New international collaboration and activities panel
  • New international collaboration and activities form can be edited and viewed from this panel
  • Signatures have been updated to include summary of data entered on international form (with a link to view the form) 

New international collaboration and activities request

  • New international collaboration and activities request can be created
  • New request provides the ability to make updates (such as at award, and as needed, outside of initial/competing request) and to route for central review and approval 

New international collaboration and activities approval and workflow

  • View screen for the new approval
  • Shows the current status of the approval
  • Shows the current version of the international collaboration and activities form
  • Includes a list of all prior versions of the form by request
  • If the status is "Needs review" a department user can either confirm that the current version of the form is still accurate, or create a new version of the form
  • A review of the international collaboration and activities form will be triggered when a notice is logged for the first time on a proposal
  • Email notifications will be sent to those in the Department Administrator role indicating a review is needed

International collaboration and activities cutover

  • All projects in Pending or Unfunded status will have an international collaboration and activities approval automatically generated at go-live. The default status of the approval will be “Incomplete”.
  • The approval question “Is there a foreign/overseas component (include subagreements)?” has been removed from the approval attributes questions.
  • In the past when this question was answered “Yes” it created a “Foreign component approval”. These approvals will remain on the projects for reference (however the approval has been retired, and a new approval can no longer be created).

 Resources for international collaboration and activities approval


  • Removed duplicate listing for Italy in country drop down menus
  • Add autocomplete placeholder text in GMAS application
  • Updated Admin Module to include a new module for Approval Status
  • Added tooltip display for signature comments
  • Fixed bug on signatures, where comment was not saved if only a role (but not name) was selected. The comment will now be saved in both instances.
  • Fixed bug which caused an unhandled exception on cost share approval when “create new version of form” is selected on a form created from cutover