GMAS Release 1_56.02

February 2, 2021

GMAS release 1_56.02 will be availble as of the start of business on Thusday, February 11, 2021. This release includes the additional enhancements for the new Outside Activity and Interest Reporting (OAIR) approval along with some minor bug fixes.

The OAIR enhancements include:

  • A new Outside Activity and Interest Reporting (OAIR) approval screen
    • Added message to approval screen when associated to a non-HUID person
  • "Generated by" information on the approval list screen
  • Ability to override the OAIR status for approvals associated to non-HUID people
  • Non-HUID indicator on approval statuses associated to non-HUID people
  • Allowing for projects with special characters in the title to pass properly to OAIR system
  • Updated timestamp for requesting approval updates to UTC from EST

The bug fixes unrelated to the new OAIR approval include: 

  • Correcting an issue resulting in an error message when processing a carryforward request from one budget period into another with missing awarded indirect dollars
  • Correcting an issue resulting in subagreements moving from "Active" to "Sponsor approval required" incorrectly when associated to other request types
  • Fixing the "Cancel" button on the participation agreement screen so that it disappears after updating status
    • Added message to approval screen when associated to a non-HUID person
  • Added ability to log notices when an International Collaboration and Activities request is under internal review
See also: Release Notes