July 2022 GMAS Release

July 18, 2022

The July 2022 GMAS release will be available on Monday, July 18, 2022. This release includes the following:

New features

  • Bulk actions in document repositories:
    • Bulk delete, Bulk lock, Bulk unlock, and Bulk move are all new options in the dropdown Actions menu from document repository screens. Each action will open a modal where only the documents where the selected action can be performed will appear. 

  • New "Notifications preferences" page:
    • This new screen is available from the person drop down menu in the global header, or from the left navigation menu from the person profile screen. This new screen will include all notifications that are available to opt into or out of from GMAS. In this initial implementation there will only be two notifications to be opted in or out of (see "New digest notifications" below). Future releases will included additional notifications that canbe opted in and out of in GMAS.
  • New digest notifications:
    • The new digest notifications provide a listing of events that occurred within an individuals portfolio organized by project. The two available options to be opted into are daily and weekly. The daily digest will summarize all events within an individuals portfolio from the day prior and will send everyday at 8AM. The weekly digest will summarize all events within an individuals portfolio from the week prior and will send every Monday at 8AM. 
  • Subagreement list screen updates:
    • New "Subagreements and subamendments in process" section on the screen. This section will only appear when there is a subagreement or subamendment in "Under review" or "Duly executed" status. 
    • New "End dated subrecipients" section on the screen which will house all of the subrecipients that are in a declined or terminated status, and subrecipients where the anticipated end date is in the past. The list will be in a panel that defaults to closed. Subrecipients will move out of this panel if the state is not declined or terminated and the anticipated end date is extended. 
    • Changes in language on the screen from "Subagreements" to 'Subrecipients" when the initial subagreement is not being referenced.
  • Addition of FAIN (Federal Award Identification Number) on federal award notices:
    • The new field is optional and will default to "No FAIN Nmbr" when left blank. The field will only appear for federal projects. This field was added to help assist with FFATA reporting.
  • New transaction monitoring rules: 
    • "Participant support cost" type accounts will now monitor for transactions to object codes in the "Salary" category, object code 8060, and any object codes that have the following super objects: S680, S869, S646. These transactions will appear as "Questionable participant support cost charges".
    • All awards will now monitor for transactions to object codes 8921-8930. These transactions will be captured as "Unallowable on Sponsored Awards". 

Bug fixes and smaller enhancements

  • Research team fixes and enhancements:
    • Updated the additional payroll costing members panel layout to be consistent on all research team screens.
    • Fixed a bug that was preventing editing effort when editing per budget period from the actions required modal from request homepage.
    • Added indicators on the request research team list screen and to the add and edit modals to show if person records are non-HUID or inactive records.
    • Added a "Faculty" column on the request research team list screen and to the add and edit modals.
  • Fixed a bug where retired school specific questions were still displaying.
  • Fixed the validations on the "Organization name" field when creating and editing an organization to be consistent. 
  • Updated the order of accounts to display "Participant support cost" type accounts with their associated account groups from the account selection screen within At-risk requests.

Technical and other updates

  • Change to how GMAS reads the IDM file when persons names are set to null.
  • Addition of screen resolution/browser size to GMAS stats job. 
  • Update to OAIR send update job to exclude person records modified since last successful run of the job.
  • Updated July NE job to no longer record as a failure each year.