GMAS unavailable starting at 6PM on Friday, September 29th

GMAS will be unavailable starting at 6PM on Friday, September 29th for a release. The system will be available again at the start of business on Monday, October 2nd. This release includes:

  • Converting the receipts and receivables module to the new GMAS format, which includes:
    • A new converted Income screen 
    • A new screen that will allow GMAS to assist in bulk creating receipt data by extracting data from an excel spreadsheet managed by OSP Research Finance. 
    • A new receipt search.
    • A new receivables search.
    • A new receivables screen.
  • Implementation of a new segment status "Expired". 
  • Addition of a sub invoice detail download from the sub list and sub home screens. 
  • A new warning that will appear at the top of all GMAS screens in the form of a banner 30 minutes prior to a scheduled outage indicating the system will be coming down and edits should be saved.   
  • Retirement of 15 screens previously used in the receipts and receivables module. 
  • And much more...

Additional information about the release including other enhancements and bug fixes can be found in the October 2023 GMAS Release notes

Please email with any questions related to the upcoming outage or release.