How to Confirm a Research Team in GMAS

Confirming the research team takes place at time of initial award (once the notice has been logged or once an at-risk account request has been authorized.) The Research Team may be edited throughout the life of the award, as team members are added to or leave the project.

The Research Team in GMAS is used to generate and track approvals for individuals performing research on a specific project, such as:

  • OAIR(Outside Activity and Interest Reporting)
  • Participation Agreement
  • Human Subjects Protection Training

How To Confirm the Research Team:

The re-designed segment homepage can be used to confirm a research team in GMAS.  Users can click the Actions button and then select Confirm Research Team. The Confirm research team option will not appear if another user has previously confirmed the research team. If this is the case, users can edit the research team by selecting Create request to edit research team.

For more information on confirming the research team, please reference the Confirm research team job aid.